leopard census: Odisha’s first leopard census reveals 696 big cats in state


leopard census: Bhubaneswar, (Reporterspen), Oct 3: The Odisha government has released its inaugural leopard census report, revealing a population of 696 leopards currently residing in the state. This independent count was carried out by the state’s Forest Department.

Previously, a report published by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) in February 2022 indicated that there were only 568 leopards in Odisha. Notably, the leopard population was recorded at 760 in 2018.

The state Forest Department undertook this new census due to concerns that previous figures lacked substantial backing. The recent census utilized camera traps, with a total of 284 cameras strategically positioned across various forested areas. The team analyzed photographs, pugmarks, and other tracking methods to ensure accurate counting.

This leopard census is pivotal as it provides vital insights into the big cat population in Odisha, which will play a crucial role in shaping future conservation strategies and efforts to protect these magnificent animals.

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